Dr. Julia Alekseyeva

News & Events

Upcoming events:
4/25/2025: Talk "Transnational Leftism and its Forms" for NYU workshop on Political Economy and Cultural Forms
4/17/2025: Book talk for the Center for Japanese Studies Lecture Series, University of Michigan
​Past news & events:
12/2024: Half Hour Broadcast Television Appearance on CUNY TV, as part of the “City Cinematheque” series. A taped discussion of Sergei Eisenstein's October: 10 Days that Shook the World, with Professor Jerry Carlson (CUNY Graduate Center)
5/28/2024-5/29/2024: "Everyday Antifascism: Radical Documentary in the 1960s,” Lecture for the “Next Big Thing” seminar, and "Performing Socialism Across Media" workshop with artist-performer Susanne Sachsse at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany.
- 3/2024: Received Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching by an Assistant Professor at the University of Pennsylvania
3/5/2024: “Everyday Antifascism: Radical Media in the 1960s” lecture and presentation at UCLA's Leve Center for Jewish Studies. Invited by Lilya Kaganovsky.
5/2/2023: "Code-Switching and the Graphic Essay: Between Language and Media.” National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei, Taiwan [Virtual Talk]. Organized and invited by Joan Chang and Justin Prystash. See full talk recording here.
4/17/2023: "Antifascism and the Avant-garde Documentary: From Dziga Vertov to Matsumoto Toshio." Lecture at the Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (Organized and invited by Rossen Djagalov), New York University
3/23/2023: "Rethinking Fascism" community-oriented workshop, co-led by Jon Danforth-Appell. Silver Lake Independent Jewish Community Center (SIJCC) in Los Angeles, CA.
3/7/2023: Opening of exhibition Excuse me, I'm still talking (Perdona, estoy hablando) at CentroCentro in Madrid Spain, which features pages from Soviet Daughter: A Graphic Revolution.
3/25-3/31/2023: Lecture and presentations on comics activism and Soviet/Ukrainian history and culture while artist-in-residence at the Thacher School in Ojai, California
Winter/Spring 2023: Lecture and Q&A on Soviet Daughter at Hawken School in Cleveland, OH. Virtual Event
2/25/2023: Discussant and host for Alexander Billet’s at the Silver Lake Independent JCC in Los Angeles, CA 2023.
1/20/2023: “Embattled Homeland: Readings by Authors from Ukraine, Russia, and Moldova” at Stories bookstore in Los Angeles, CA.
1/12/2023: Discussant and talk on 1968, Art, and Affect with Alexander Billet and C. Stella Becerril for the Historical Materialism Broadcast, Virtual Event.
Winter 2022/2023: two poems published in "Home and Displacement" issue of Prairie Schooner
11/2/2022: “Comics, Social Justice, and Libraries.” Panel discussion at the San Diego State University Center for Comics Studies, 2022. Organized by Pamela Jackson and Elizabeth Pollard. Virtual Event
8/5/2022: Presentation on graphic narratives and workshop on grassroots comics creation, Norpas Festival, Dalsbruk, Finland, 2022. Organized and co-led with artist Sanna Hukkanen
7/13/2022: Soviet Daughter featured on Book Riot quiz, "Design a Historical Museum and Get a Historical Comic Rec" by Eileen Gonzalez
5/20/2022: Reading of poetry as part of Sing Slavic's Budmo! fundraiser for Ukraine at Calvary Arts in Philadelphia, PA
5/4/2022: “Graphic Narratives and Soviet Daughter” guest lecture at Walter B. Saul High School in Philadelphia, PA
4/1/2022: Participant and interviewee in Jewish Currents podcast : “Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Post-Soviet Jewishness,” with David Klion, Helen Betya-Rubenstein, and Linda Kinstler (UC Berkeley)
2/28/2022: “Reflections on the Emerging Situation in Ukraine: History and the Graphic Arts”: Discussion and Q&A at Bard College at Simon’s Rock, 2022. Organized by Dr. Asma Abbas as part of a course on transdisciplinary, experimental, and collaborative studies. Feb 28. Virtual event
11/2/2021: “Reflections on Art-Making and Soviet History”: lecture, book presentation and virtual wonder.me discussion hosting at the University of Bremen, Germany, 2021. Contemporary History and Culture of Eastern Europe program, Research Centre for East European Studies Bremen, in collaboration with the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies; symposium on 20th anniversary of the fall of the Soviet Union, organized by Susanne Schattenberg. Virtual event
3/9/2021: “Graphic Narrative as Legitimate Medium of Expression” at Uppsala University, Sweden, 2021. Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Webinar in honor of the International Day of Women, organized by Michael F. Scholz. Virtual event
3/1/2021: “Writing History Through Images.” Presentation and Workshop at the University of Toronto on Eastern Europe and the historical graphic novel. Organized by Agnieszka Jezyk, including a hands-on comics-making session for students. Virtual event
2/15/2021: “What Does a Jewish Comic Look Like?” Panel with Eli Valley, Matt Lubchansky, and Abraham Reisman. Virtual event. See YouTube live stream here
10/19/2020: “Politics and Protest in the Allegorical Japanese Semi-Documentary.” Lecture at Pennsylvania State University. Comparative Literature Colloquium, Organized by Eric Robert Hayot. Virtual event
10/16/2020-10/17/2020: "Thinking Soviet: Dziga Vertov in the 1960s Japanese Political Avant-Garde.” Lecture at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Part of “Residues: Literary and Media Ecologies in Russia and Japan” conference, organized by Franz Prichard. Virtual event
10/13/2020-12/30/2020: Limited edition artwork featured in MR. DISTRO, in front of the Pressure Club print shop at 711 West Thompson Street in Philadelphia. Each print is only $1!
7/27/2020: Zoom reception and presentation of work featured in the Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences "ComX" exhibit
6/9/2020: Lecture and workshop at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany, organized by Rembert Hueser, Institut für Theater-, Film- und Medienwissenschaft. [Cancelled due to COVID-19]
2/21/2020-2/22/2020: Tabling at the Michigan State University Comics Forum in Lansing, MI. Chairing roundtable: "Academics-Cartoonists: Comics-Making as Tool and Practice"
10/19/2019-10/20/2019: Tabling at MICE in Cambridge, MA
9/29/2019: Lecture at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, Goldstein Center for Human Rights
6/28/2019-6/30/2019: Tabling at Left Forum in Long Island University in Fort Greene, Brooklyn
4/30/2019: Russian Jews in the 20th Century at Brandeis University, organized by Prof. ChaeRan Y. Freeze
4/3/2019: Interviewee in hour-long "Self Worst" podcast hosted by Brad Pearson, episode 46, "Julia Alekseyeva is probably on a list"
3/28/2019-3/30/2019: Youth Literature Festival at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
12/08/2018-12/09/2019: Tabling at Comic Arts LA (CALA) at Homenetmen Ararat, 3000 Dolores St, Los Angeles, CA
12/01/2018: Tabling and Book Signing at "Getting graphic: Novels, Memoirs and Comics" at the Visual Arts Center in Summit, NJ
11/16/2018: Lecturre on "Illustrating Russia: Comic Art, Graphic Narratives, and Book Illustration." With Victoria Lomasko and Vladimir Zimakov. Chaired by Robert Vroon
4/26/2018: True Story: Non-Fiction Graphic Novels Panel at the Society of Illustrators, NY. Moderated by Calvin Reid, incl. Kyle Baker and Josh Neufeld
6/13/2018: Comics and History Lecture at The Berkeley Carroll School. Talk organized as part of a day-long workshop on comics history and analysis, organized by Paul Swartz. Brooklyn, New York
4/26/2018: “True Story: Non-Fiction Graphic Novels.” Panel participant at the New York Society of Illustrators. Panel discussion and Q & A including Calvin Reid, Kyle Baker, and Josh Neufeld.
11/16/2017-2/15/2018: Crossing Borders exhibit at the Parker Gallery, Lesley University. 1815 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA
11/20/2017: Panel/Roundtable on the works of Terayama Shuji. CUNY Graduate Center of New York. Organized by Prof. Peter Eckersall as part of a series of events celebrating Terayama Shuji
11/18/2017: Tabling and Book Signing at "Getting graphic: Novels, Memoirs and Comics" at the Visual Arts Center in Summit, NJ
11/15/2017: Hour-long Interview on the Russian Television Network (RTN), with Maya Pritsker, on Soviet Daughter: A Graphic Revolution and the history of comics and animation in the USA and abroad. Conducted in Russian.
11/8/2017: Russian Writers 2.0: Reading and Discussion at JCC Manhattan with Sana Krasikov (The Patriots). 7:30-10 PM, $10
10/22/2017: Comics & Migration: Moving Visual Language Into America Panel at MICE. With Leila Abdelrazaq (Baddawi), Iasmin Omar Ata (Mis(h)adra), and Dave Ortega (Dias de Consuelo), moderated by Jason Rodriguez (editor, Comics Without Borders: Latinx Youth Speak Their Truth). At Lesley University, Cambridge
10/21/2017-10/22/2017: Tabling at MICE in Cambridge, MA
10/15/2017: Lecture "The October Revolution and Soviet Daughter" at Falsework Hudson, 2018. Organized by Dr. Asma Abbas of the Hic Rosa Collective
9/22/2017-1/14/2018: Original pages and sketches from Soviet Daughter featured in in the “Drawing It Out” exhibition at the Visual Arts Center of New Jersey.
9/17/2017: Mothers and Other Monster Myths panel at Brooklyn Book Festival: Moderated by Ariel Gore (We Were Witches), with Gabrielle Bell (Everything Is Flammable) and Thi Bui (The Best We Could Do).
07/20/2017 and 08/10/2017: “Masterpieces of Soviet Animation.” Harvard University. Organized as part of a screening series at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies. Two-part talk
6/14/2017: Reading and Signing at Roscoe Books in Chicago. 2142 W Roscoe St. 6 PM
6/13/2017: Book Presentation at Central Synagogue of Chicago, 122 S. Michigan Ave, 14th Floor. 8 PM
5/14/2017: Comics as Political Resistance Panel at TCAF. With Nate Powell (March), Mattie Lubchansky (The Nib), and Ben Passmore (Your Black Friend). Moderated by Tom Spurgeon. At the Mariott Bloor-Yorkville, Forest Hill Ballroom. 12 PM
5/13/2017-5/14/2017: Tabling at Toronto Comic Arts Festival (TCAF)
4/26/2017: Talk and Q & A with Prof. Hillary Chute at Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, CGIS South S250, Harvard University in Cambridge, MA, 4:00-6:00 PM
4/14/2017: Reading and book signing at Bluestockings Bookstore, NYC, 7:00-9:45 PM
4/11/2017: “Drawing Personal and Political History.” University of Colorado-Boulder. For “The Russian Jewish Experience,” organized by Prof. Sasha Senderovich
4/7/2017: Interview with Jimmy Aquino published in Comics News Insider
4/8/2017-4/9/2017: Tabling for Microcosm Publishing at Denver's Independent Comic and Arts Expo (DINK)
4/1/2017-4/2/2017: Tabling for Microcosm Publishing at MoCCA Arts Festival in NYC
4/1/2017: Women, Artists, Activists panel at Ortega y Gasset in Gowanus (363 Third Avenue, Brooklyn, NY) in conjunction with Victoria Lomasko's first American solo show, "Unwanted Women". With Molly Crabapple and Rosanna Bruno
3/30/2017: Talk, book signing, and Q & A at Fordham Russian Forum, NYC. With Prof. Riley Ossorgin. At Fordham's Lincoln Center Campus, Law School room 3-03. 4:00-5:45
3/14/2017: Interview with Olga Breininger published on New Books in History podcast
3/13/2017: “Japanese Avant-Garde Documentary in the 1960s.” Baruch College, 2017. For “Critical Approaches to Japanese Popular Culture,” organized by Prof. CJ Suzuki
2/24/2017: Interview with Oksana Mironova about Soviet Daughter published in Lilith
1/22/2017: Interview aired with Lulu Garcia-Navarro on NPR's Weekend Edition
1/19/2017: ART x Resistance panel: "Political Aesthetics in the Wake of Trump," on the eve of the Inauguration. She will be joined by Josh MacPhee, designer, artist, and archivist; founding member of both the Justseeds Artists' Cooperative and the Interference Archive; Phil Rabovsky, visual artist and MFA student at the School of Visual Arts in New York; Natasha Racic, photographer and conceptual artist; Mattie Lubchansky, cartoonist and illustrator, creator of the webcomic Please Listen to Me, and founder of The Nib
1/10/2017: Soviet Daughter Book Release Party. Shoestring Press - 640 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, NY. 8-11 PM
12/18/2016: Tabling at Holiday Bizarre at Shoestring Studio in Crown Heights, Brooklyn
11/16/2016: Reading at Peculiar Streams reading series. At the Back Room at Jimmy's No. 43 in NYC
10/29/2016-10/30/2016-11/4/2016: Half Hour Broadcast Television Appearance on CUNY TV, as part of the “City Cinematheque” series. A taped discussion of Ozu Yasujiro’s Tokyo Story, with Professor Jerry Carlson (CUNY Graduate Center).

Images from the grassroots comics-making workshop and exhibit with artist Sanna Hukkanen at the Norpas Festival in Dalsbruk/Taalintehdas, Finland, Aug 5, 2022. Images courtesy translator Anya Voronkova

With Gabrielle Bell, Thi Bui, and Ariel Gore at Brooklyn Book Fest, Sept 2017
At opening of "Drawing it Out" exhibit at the Visual Arts Center of NJ, Sept 2017

Lecture and panel at UCLA with Vladimir Zimakov and Vika Lomasko at UCLA, Nov 2018

Images from "Rethinking Fascism" at the Silver Lake Independent Jewish Community Center, March 23, 2023

Discussion of Tokyo Story on CUNY TV with Jerry Carlson, Fall 2016